Very soon I’ll be announcing my newest and sincerest project to date. Forum skins for vBulletin and some other softwares you may have heard of. As a result, I’ll be doing a number of custom projects to help spread the buzz about the upcoming DJ’s Dyna—-er, you know what? Let’s leave it a surprise for now. Suffice it to say, forum design was never like this.
All my other websites will look horrendous over the next few months as I gear up for a this new project. Pages will be torn down, styles will be blank, and default skins will be replaced. As I’ll be doing design work, EVERYTHING will need a major upgrade. EPP is old work, from when I didn’t know a from a (and when I didn’t know not to capitalize code). CoG, although inspired by a design by Pank, is custom, but needs fine tuning and re-imagining as a website. My blogs will drop the blogger designs and be replaced by designs of my own. (Particularly, this one needs a custom feel. I may still go art deco.)
Lot of work ahead of me, but I look forward to it. New city, new challenges, new horizon. Maybe even a new me….P09X?…oh, look! Brownies…
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