I’m Down with EPP (Yeah, You Know Me)

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As this blog was originally supposed to be about Eon Press Presents, and in my novice-ness about blogging at the time didn’t realize I could start as many as I wanted, I’m going to restore this blog to it’s original purpose over the next year. Alternate Realities is still a part of my long term plans, but obviously, I’ve been side tracked by that thing called life. That’s not really a bad thing, as it’s given me the time I need to understand what I need to do to achieve my long term goals. Waiting for dinner just makes you hungrier, so stay tuned.

I’ll be merging most of the old posts about Disney over to my Disney commentary blog, Re-Imagination. I’ll still post from time to time about my progress on the AR front, but they will be exclusively there from now on. EPP will continue soon with it’s original intent of updating you on my online comic company.

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