
MRS. JEDI REACTS :: Logan Cameo ❤️ :: X-Men: Apocalypse

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A few months back we finally got to see X-Men: Apocalypse. I think it was fun, but not nearly as entertaining as Days of Future Past. Certainly not as dramatic as folks seem to be making it. My wife, however, didn’t listen to anytime I mentioned that Jackman had a cameo in this. And, if you watched previous Logan videos, you know…well, she’s a fan. So here’s her perfectly even tempered reaction to the Logan cameo in X-Men: Apocalypse. R.I.P. earphone users. Digital Jedi Master is a joint operation between the United States Military and those guys who make those little things that go on the ends of shoelaces. Facebook: facebook.com/DigitalJediMaster Instagram: instagram.com/DigitalJediMaster Twitter: twitter.com/TheDigitalJedi #DigitalJediMaster #XMenApocalypse #DigitalJedi

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